A cooperative, out-of-court, approach to problem-solving that allows those in a legal dispute to work together toward a solution in a positive, results-focused setting.
Collaborative law, also known as collaborative divorce, is a legal process enabling couples who have decided to separate or end their marriage to work with their lawyers in a more holistic approach. Collaborative law helps families avoid the uncertain outcome of court and to reach an agreement that best meets the specific needs of both the parties and their children. Most importantly, it eliminates any underlying threat of litigation.
The collaborative process is voluntary and is initiated when the couple signs a contract (a "participation agreement") binding each other to the process and disqualifying their respective lawyers from representing either one in any future family-related litigation. The goal is for the parties to commit to resolve their differences in a collaborative manner without resorting to the risks, costs, and threats associated with litigation.
Collaborative law can have the added benefit of being cost efficient for the involved parties. Under the collaborative model, for instance, financial or real estate specialists are hired mutually, thus eliminating any duplication of effort or cost.
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